naoki yoshioka

cv / links

cv / links

// about
Naoki yoshioka, a tokyo-based technician, specializes in 3D software / programming, and offers technical support for construction projects and creative endeavors, including setup for artwork production and on-site installation, spanning both digital and analog aspects.

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// contact, email

// links
github / twitter / instagram / vimeo / blog

// cv, career
2021.03-Current / Syntegrate JP, as technician
2020.08-2021.02 / Magarimono Inc, as technician (outsourcing)
2020.04-2021.02 / ExtraBold Inc (DiGITAL ARTISAN Inc), as technician (outsourcing)

// cv, education
2018.04-2020.03 / MEng, Department of Architecture, Chiba University
2014.04-2018.03 / BFA, Department of Environmental Design, Tama Art University

// study
3d scan + rigging + three.js / gif / grasshopper scripts